Messages from Diverse Sources
Saturday, April 1, 2023
Live This Holy Week As If It Were Your Last Reception of His True Body and Blood
Message from Our Lady of Emmitsburg to Gianna Talone Sullivan, Emmitsburg, ML, USA

My dear little children
Praised be Jesus! My dear ones, as you enter into My Son’s week of Passion, focus on making reparations for all the outrages and blasphemies and sacrilegious acts against Him. Adore Him.
Adore Him. Adore Him, and make reparation by your love for those who refuse to pray to Him and utter blasphemies. Diffuse yourself in everything you do into Him, His wounds, and seal your thoughts with His.
Live this Holy Week as if it were your last reception of His True Body and Blood. Join Me and the Angels and prostrate yourself to your Crucified Jesus. Adore Him. Bless Him. By His Holy Cross, He has redeemed the world!
I remain with you. Strive to live a life of purity against the affronts of sin. I bless you in His Holy Name.
Ad Deum
Source: ➥